indian cinema heritage foundation

Do Roti (1957)

  • Release Date1957
  • GenreDrama
  • FormatB-W
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time112 mins
  • Length3919.73 metres
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number2840
  • Certificate Date31/05/1984
  • Shooting LocationMovie Crafters (P) Ltd, Central Studios

Man’s natural wants are very few centring mainly round a couple of loaves of bread which he needs for his sustenance. Shyam hold the view that an honestly earned bread is the acme of human bliss. His sister’s husband, Laxmidas, however, subscribes to a different theory : corner as much of the world’s wealth as you can and to hell with the means!

Laxmidas’ is an artificial appetite and in its appetite and in its appeasement a happy, contented, well-organised household goes repidly to pieces. Mother is wrenched from daughter, sister from brother. And still Laxmidas, the mamman worshipper, goes his shady, dishonest way, his huge appetite feeding on what it gets. Ultimately, in his blind pursuit of self-aggrendisement, he gets caught in a network of criminal intrigue and plotting. It is then that he at last realizes the essential truth of Shyam’s philosophy namely, that no human being needs more than a couple of loaves of bread in order to live and that he can earn them honestly.

How all this happens you will see on the screen.


[from the official press booklet]



Films by the same director